Saturday, March 9, 2013

Things I Love: Book Stuff

I've been really enjoying spring break for this past week. I haven't done much except go to a few auctions last weekend, and I managed to workout 5 days this week! I also saw The Hobbit last night (finally). I loved it and highly recommend it. I think (in my humble opinion) it was better than the Lord of the Rings movies, but I also prefer The Hobbit book to the Lord of the Rings books.

Speaking of books, here's some of my favorite book-related things I've found on the internet lately:

These tees from Mental Floss are great! I truly am a Harry Potter nerd, and who doesn't love book-related puns?

I would go crazy with this personal library kit (also from Mental Floss). I actually used to dream of starting my own private library when I was a kid.

Source: via Dena on Pinterest

A candle that smells like books? What!? As a book-sniffer, I love this idea :)

Source: via Dena on Pinterest

I actually have this bumper sticker and just haven't put it on my car yet. I can't wait to though because really, what better way to let everyone know how awesome books are?

I know some people have yet to start spring break and some aren't even in school (what does that even feel like? I can't remember), so have fun if you're just starting! And just enjoy the quasi-spring weather if you don't get a break!